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Vision is our goal to achieve and for which we strive every day: Be your best option.
Member of the Collegiate bodies, Evaluator, Provider, Member of GER, ema People, stakeholders and users of our services, all of us who work in ema, bye ema and for ema, today we commit to Deliver every day, the best of us, to BE YOUR BEST OPTION:
1. To be the best option in the services of “Evaluation and Accreditation”, by providing the effectiveness, efficiency, ethics, reliability and professionalism that guarantee technical confidence in accredited services, having the highest national and international recognition and work always attached to the legislation and regulations in force in the matter, with warmth and respect listening and attending to the needs.
2. To be the best option in the services of “Training, communication and dissemination” by updated and on time, experiences and available information truthful, update and timely, allowing us to remain at the forefront, in comfortable and safe facilities or through electronic media and convenient facilities for the development of this activities.
3. To be the best option in “Personal attention and assistance, telephone or electronic media” to grant a respectful friendly, expedited and adequate treatment, with empathy, kindness and courtesy, giving timely, reliable and punctual information and guidance taking care of the confidentiality and the privacy norms and security information.
4. To be the best option as “Labor center” by providing an excellent environmental working where al human beings who are respected and cared for, without distinction, ethics, safety, hygiene and attachment to prevail values, fellowship and effective communication in addition to receiving equitable remuneration, empowerment, the possibility of development and growth, and quality of life programs, always under current legislation and applicable to workers and workplaces.
5. To be the best option in "Information Technology, Finance and Administration" services, through innovation, security, quality and integrity in the services offered by the entity with excellence, continuous improvement and compliance with current fiscal regulations and standards of information security, adhering to the procedures of the entity, maintain proximity to our stakeholders, ahead of their expectations, and provide them with safe, comfortable and sustainable facilities.
6. To be the best option in "Hologram sales" services, in the facilities for the attention, orientation, programming, layout, sale, and control of holograms and UVA type seals for Verification Units in measuring instruments.
7. Be the best option in "Leasing" services, with comfortable, safe and cutting-edge facilities, with competitive costs.
8. To be the best option in "Standardization" services, national and international, promoting participation in committees of our interest, providing knowledge and experiences to the benefit of sectors related to conformity assessment activities.
9. To be the best option in the "Qualification and Evaluation of Competences" services, ensuring that the skills, attitudes, values and knowledge necessary to carry out the evaluation and accreditation services are aligned with the competencies indicated in the international regulations for the Accreditation bodies.
10. To be the best option in the "contact center of ema", meeting the specific needs of our clients, offering timely answers in the operational and management processes, consulting in the Saema and Sicohol systems, as well as the dissemination of the courses and events that ema offers, managing accurate information with empathy, respect and disposition.
It is represented by a swan, being a very beautiful flyer, we consider it a dream of excellence.
At ema we are committed to provide all services offered, seeking to be the best option, acting with integrity and social responsibility, attached to our organizational culture and our human capital policy, warranting reliability, technical competence, transparency and professionalism according to national and international standards, regulations and guidelines. Also, to strengthen the conformity assessment system, safeguarding national interests related to health, care for the environment, users safety, consumers and interested parties, to contribute to a better quality of life in society and sustainability of the entity.
At the mexican accreditation body, a.c. We are committed to protecting, preserving and managing the information of the employees of ema, our customers, evaluators / technical experts and stakeholders together with the technologies used for their processing, against internal or external threats, deliberate or accidental, in order to To ensure compliance with the characteristics of confidentiality, integrity, availability and legality of the information and data. Likewise, we commit ourselves to register the incidents that are presented and to carry out the analysis of the cause that generated it.
This policy applies to the entire Information Security Management System (ISMS) and personal data.
The responsibility for implementing this policy is that of all the people, as well as the members of the National Register of Evaluators, members of collegiate bodies and interested parties that have interference in the Information Security Management System (ISMS) and personal information.
All security incidents or weaknesses should be reported to the Information Technology Manager or to the Management or area responsible for the safeguard and good use of information and personal data. Failure to comply with the established provisions for the proper use and protection of the Information and personal data will result in the corresponding criminal complaint, and / or legal or administrative sanction, according to the magnitude and characteristic of the aspect not complied with.
At the mexican accreditation body, a. c., The human being is the most valuable resource, for that reason we foster a friendly and friendly work environment, being one of the best companies to work in Mexico, in continuous search for mechanisms that help us to improve the quality of life and achieve The highest distinctions and recognitions. In ema we commit to work to comply with national and international standards, in accordance with our values and in compliance with the Federal Labor Law and our Internal Regulations, in a safe and hygienic environment and where ethics and congruence. In the entity there are normative measures of safety and hygiene, by which: We do not contract minors, we avoid forced labor, treat all human beings equally regardless of gender, age, sexual preference, or politics, religion, Or ideology. We respect the freedom of association to any group; There is no discrimination, psychological, economic, power and / or sexual harassment in the same way, we respect working hours at the entrance, exit, weekends and public holidays.
This is our commitment with people
• In ema there is an Open Doors Policy and collaborators can express themselves freely.
• Through our codes of conduct, ethics and letter of confidentiality and personal data we promote that our collaborators do not practice practices outside the law or the standards established in ema.
• In addition, the way in which salaries, benefits and social security are applied to employees is defined in our individual contract of employment and in the Administrative Manual, Personnel Policies of ema MA-BA002. Likewise, according to our possibilities, we permanently seek that our collaborators and their families obtain additional benefits.
• We work for an equitable development of the people ema through the training and the career plans, always looking for their personal and professional growth and we take actions to strengthen and retain the key talent that supports the competitiveness of the entity.